Happy Birthday Gifs - page 30
yellow sunburst,pink cake, green text
Rainbow Dots Birthday Sticker
Penguin: pink cake,orange text,% 3 fireworks
Happy Birthday banner with sparklers
Chocolate birthday cake sticker
Birthday GIF,pink cake,brown background,hearts & stars
Bouncing Birthday Candles on a party background: cursive
blue Gift box, yellow sunburst, happy faces & cursive
Walk into a Birthday pink Cake Meadow colors red blue
Horn, stars, meadow, cursive, white, blue
City fireworks of sparks. Fonts block & block, & a pink texture
hearts fireworks on blue, block font, red effect
Cupcakes for Birthday,pink hearts background,white & purple text
Happy Birthday in Rainbow Letters
Birthday gif pink cake: pink, stars
pink birthday cake on purple with yellow & blue text
Personalize this Happy Birthday gif with a birthday message and name. Gif contains a rainbow in a me