Promotional GIFs

How do we help your social media marketing?
We can make custom GIF templates with your branding and messaging included.
Whenever someone uses the template, your brand and messaging goes with it. For example, what if you sold cups of beverage X paper coffee cup ?

branded gif template personalized branded  gif
We host the branded template
Visitors personalize and share it

On your social media platforms, website, mail lists, and other methods of customer outreach, you would provide the web address for your users to use your template. Optionally, we can list your template in our own library. We also provide a link shortening service so you may watermark your link on your gifs. Example:

Promotional Gifs

We all know what GIFs are - and we an easily imagine what a "promotional gif" is, but how do you make them? What makes marketing gifs effective? What makes them spread? How can you use gifs to spread your brand?

gif library screen capture
Our templates are the start of yours

There are countless articles explaining how to make gifs. This article covers different apps and other websites you can use to make gifs. But don't rush off! I'm about to describe how Editable GIFs is different and offers a unique angle on customer engagement gifs.

Here at Editable GIFs we offer templates that make it extremely easy to customize gifs. For example, a generic template with text that reads "Thanks {Name}"

thank you gif template

That template gets personalized:

personalized gif personalized gif
User generated gifs

Making GIFs is Fun

What makes the GIF creation process at Editable GIFS such a great alternative to other methods?

  • It's quick
  • It's simple
  • It's personal

People love to create and customize. Editable GIFs makes this quicker with pre-programmed gifs. Users only need to tweak some settings, and change some text. Example: editable gif settings screen capture editable gif settings screen capture There is plenty of opportunity to be creative using words, colors, fonts, and image selection thus giving users a quick, easy, and fun way to be expressive.

This expressiveness is part of the emotional appeal contributing to the rise of GIF usage. For more details, see The Surging Popularity of GIFs In Digital Culture.

Personalizing a GIF to be shared with friends, family, or even customers, creates an attachment to their creation. This makes it more likely to be shared widely, and lead to return visits, not just by them, but by the GIF recipients.

Types of Gif (subject matter)

Editable GIFs has several categories of GIF templates that our visitors can personalize. Here is a partial list:

But that list is just about categories. What about styles? For example you could customize this popular birthday GIF to include your product in the rapid slideshow of images.

birthday gif example

And for that example, the GIF doesn't need to be birthday themed at all. Find a theme that is related to your business and we'll customize your GIF template accordingly. Our visitors will personalize and distribute GIFs created with your template.

As another example, consider this thank you GIF. Maybe you own a cupcake shop.

thank you cupcake gif example

Your template could include real images of your cupcakes, a store logo, a watermark, and any other idea you might have. User's will personalize your cupcake GIF, then send it to their friends with your branding.

The best part: we can set a shortlink watermark to open your cupcake website.

Need more ideas? See this article from Entrepreneur. How to Use GIFs in Your Marketing to Boost Engagement

Enhanced User Engagement

The Key to Editable GIFs success is user Personalization. People love to create, and you can give them that opportunity. They'll love being able to do express themselves using a brand they know and appreciate.

Get Started

Get started by sending us a message.

  1. To discuss your needs and goals
  2. Find an interactive solution to meet them
  3. Plan and design your social media gif (or video)
  4. Publish your GIF template online
  5. Launch the marketing plan